Joke Joker Jokest

Joke Joker Jokest List of my favourite Stand-up Comics, their styles and why I like them George Carlin Growing up during the 90s in India, I was always interested in comedy. I would try to watch all the comedy shows that are there on Indian TV during those times. Those days, stand up wasn’t that popular in … Read more

Computer Vision: Advanced Lane Marking Through Thresholding

Computer Vision: Advanced Lane Marking Through Thresholding Lane Detection using Gradient, Colour Thresholding and sliding window algorithm Image Courtesy: In my earlier post, I talked about finding lane lines using Edge Detection and Hough Transforms. While Canny edge detection is great in finding the edges, it gives you a lot of edges in the … Read more

Computer Vision: Lane Finding Through Image Processing

Computer Vision: Lane Finding Through Image Processing Lane Detection using Edge Detection and Hough Transform Image Courtesy: Udacity How does coding a Lane finding system in an active video feed sounds? It seemed ubercool to me when I did this project with Udacity back in 2017. At that point, the aim was just to know … Read more

Lane Keeping Optimisation to reduce Driver Work Load

Lane Keeping Optimisation to reduce Driver Work Load link Lane keeping is the one of the most basic and easy task done by the driver. It could be as simple as keeping the steering wheel steady on a straight road but even there, due to the external disturbances, the vehicle tends to drift from the lane. … Read more

Two to Four: Bicycle model for Car

Two to Four: Bicycle model for Car image link Lateral dynamics For the control of lateral motion of the vehicle, it is critical to model the lateral dynamics. Lateral motion control is used in various ADAS features like lane centering, lane keeping etc. The lateral dynamics models are also imperative in modeling vehicle behaviours during the … Read more

I See You: Computer Vision Fundamentals

I See You: Computer Vision Fundamentals My introduction to Computer Vision happened in 2017 when I was doing Self-driving Car Nanodegree from Udacity. The first semester was mainly related to Computer Vision and Deep Learning which sparked my interest in the subject. This post would cover some basic introduction of Computer Vision as well as … Read more

On a Roll: Roll rates in a Vehicle

On a Roll: Roll rates in a Vehicle This could be treated as part 2 of the spring rates post. When the vehicle goes through the corner, it experience the roll motion when the roll center of the vehicle doesn’t coincide with the vehicle center of mass(which usually is the case). Vehicle roll motion affects the … Read more

Chassis System Evaluation Using Force and Moment Allocation

Chassis System Evaluation Using Force and Moment Allocation Active Chassis Systems In a conventional vehicle, the driver controls the trajectory of the vehicle by performing functions like steering, acceleration and braking. These actions generate necessary tire traction forces and moments at the tire road interaction to modify the path of the vehicle. However what if … Read more

Sprung Back : Ride Rates in a Vehicle

Sprung Back : Ride Rates in a Vehicle Ride rate refers to the rate of change of tire normal force with vertical body movement and roll rate refers to the rate of change of tire normal force with body roll about its roll axis. The ride and roll rates of the car affect the wheel loading wrt … Read more